Rising 5s
This month the Rising Fives main focus will be to recognise, and mark make their names.
On Wednesday 17thApril 2019 at 2:30pm we will be holding our annual Easter bonnet parade. Could we kindly ask that you make a bonnet at home with your child and bring it in before this date if you are willing to take part. For further information please ask a member of staff.
The Rising Fives now use a mind map when planning activities and learning opportunities from the children’s interest. Please feel free to share any interest your child may have shared with you at home or interest you may share together.
Little Learners
This month we will be looking at our favourite stories, we will be making props to help us tell our own stories. We will paint pictures of our favourites. We will also be making our own Old McDonald story book which we will send home to read to our families. Please feel free to bring in a favourite book from home so that we can read together with our friends.
Baby Learners
This month in Baby Learners we will be exploring the theme transporting. We have enjoyed taking part in lots of activities such as creating patterns when painting with cars and trucks etc. We have also had lots of fun celebrating Chinese New Year with messy noodle play, glueing and sticking and we enjoyed a yummy Chinese lunch. Week commencing 11/02/2019 we are carrying on with the creative activities for valentine’s day. We would like to wish Freya and Phoebe a BIG happy 1stBirthday.
Note to all parents
Once your handover is complete please can you ensure that your child does not open home room doors and run up and down the corridor. The safety of your child is paramount.
Thank you in advance for your co-operation in this matter.
All the KDN team