Our Little Story
We are privileged to be situated in the heart of Knutsford, within a short walk to Knutsford Train Station, Library, Tatton Park, local shops, schools and the Moor.
The original building was commissioned in 1904 by the famous Scottish American Andrew Carnegie, who believed in, “Improving conditions for all people in all walks of life”
We have successfully adapted that belief transferring it to the 20th century.
Today the Old Library provides a stimulating environment for children to thrive in.
We understand the importance of developing positive relationships with you from our first meeting to the day you choose to leave your child in our care.
To help ease the transition from home to nursery, we offer free unlimited settling in sessions.
Early Years Foundation Stage
In September 2008 the “Early Years Foundation Stage” (EYFS) was introduced for all children from birth to five years. The EYFS is revised at regular intervals.
Themes and Principles
There are four themes in the EYFS that underpin all the guidance and the principles that inform them. The themes are incorporated into our daily operations through our Policies and Procedures, routines and attitudes. All of which form our excellent practice.
The 4 themes are:
- A Unique Child
- Positive Relationships
- Enabling Environments
- Learning and Developing
A great deal of emphasis is also placed on:
- Providing equality of opportunity
- Partnership working – with parents, other professionals and other providers
- Improving quality and consistency
Laying a secure foundation for future learning i.e when children transfer to school
The Learning Requirements
The learning and development areas are divided into seven areas of learning these are:
Prime areas:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
Specific areas:
- Literacy
- Expressive Arts and Design
- Mathematics
- Understanding of the world
Characteristics of learning:
- Playing and exploring
- Active Learning
- Creating and thinking critically
There is much emphasis on the fact that each child learns in an individual way and at different rates.
The Assessment Arrangements for all children are on-going and based on observing day-to-day activities. There is also a legal requirement for an assessment to take place when your child turns two. This is carried out by your child’s key person and you will be involved in this progress at all stages. The next formal assessment will be carried out at the end of the EYFS which is at the end of your child’s reception school year.
The EYFS influences all our planning throughout the nursery and as with all frameworks, there are principles that underpin it. They include:
- Relationships with others – adults and children are of crucial importance in a child’s life.
- A relationship with a key person at home and in the setting is essential to a child’s well-being.
- Babies and children are social beings; they are competent learners from birth.
- Caring adults count more than resources and equipment.
- Schedules and routines must flow with the child’s needs.
- Children learn when they are given appropriate responsibility, allowed to make errors, decisions, choices and are respected.