We hope that you have been enjoying the beautiful weather, please don’t forget to bring in a sunhat for your child/children.

Rising 5s

During the month of May the R.5’S mind map theme is superheroes. We have been sharing ideas with each other on how we can be kind to everyone and help them. We are going to look at objects that fly including aeroplanes, birds, bees etc.

Our September school leavers will be helped in their preparation for school by trying on different school uniforms, discussing a school day. Our walks will also include showing the children local schools within walking distance.

Finally, we have been busy weeding our garden and will be planting seeds etc soon.

Little Learners

The little learners are busy this month learning about animals. They will be going on walks to find different animals and learning more about them, the noises they make, their colours and much more. We are looking forward to some art and craft activities based around animals. If you and your families visit anywhere soon that has animals please take pictures and bring them in so that we can share your experiences with the children.

Baby Room

The babies have been on lots of walks around Knutsford and to the park, watching the ducks and their cute ducklings etc whilst enjoying the glorious weather. Inside we have had lots of fun getting messy with shaving foam, glitter, even ice cubes when it’s very hot.

Staff News

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has been supported by our recent subscription to Noodle Now, an accredited online training provider. The girls have all been updating their skills and learning new ones. We are also introducing the Reggio Approach within the nursery. A more detailed letter will be emailed to parents.

General News

On Wednesday 23rd May during the morning, Dawn will be taking the graduation photographs for the R.F’s school leavers.

N.B From next month we will be putting our monthly newsletter on our new website.


Thank You!