Rising 5s
During the next few months Rising Fives will be busy with many summer activities. We will be preparing our school leavers with there transition to school and meeting their new teachers. Our annual Chester Zoo trip will take place on Friday 26thJuly and our Leavers ball will be held on Friday 12thJuly at nursery from 2pm to 4pm.
Little Learners
During the coming months we will enjoy lots of outdoor play and summer activities in the garden. We plan on lots of water and sand play and physical activities to keep us happy and healthy. We will enjoy tasting lots of summer fruits and vegetables as well as our new summer menu.
Baby Learners
In the baby learners we too will be enjoying lots of sand and water play, we plan on walks to the duck pond and Tatton park on the nice summer days. We will be enjoying lots of summer activities and creating new displays in lots of bright coloured paints and getting messy.
Dates For Your Diary
School Leavers Photographs Wednesday 12thJune
Rising Fives Leavers Ball 12thJuly 2pm – 4pm
School Leavers Chester Zoo Trip Friday 26thJuly
Notes For Parents
Please can we kindly ask that all parents label their child’s belongings and that each child has a spare change of clothes in their bag.
Please can you all provide a sunhat with your child’s name labelled inside it as the days are now getting warmer and longer. We provide Boots Soltan factor 50 for the children if you do not wish for this to be applied to your child then please could you inform us of this and provide a sun cream that is more suited to your child’s skin.
Thank you,
All the KDN team